Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nothing but a 'hag'

So, I'm sitting with my roomie tonight catching up on the happenings of the past weekend. Alright, I know, you're wondering why the hell we're just talking about the weekend now. It's Wednesday. Well, you see, there was this boy who came to visit for the weekend. Not me, my roomie. And he was only gonna stay the weekend. But after some boy drama, he kinda just stuck around. So, with the exception of a few whispers here and there, I didn't know what the hell was going on. Until tonight. I got the whole scoop. It's so refreshing to be able to talk to a guy who knows EXACTLY what it feels like to have boy drama! Because this is my blog and not his, I'm not gonna get into the story. I will just say this - ladies, they're all the same. Gay. Straight. Bi. They're men. UGH!

A slight detour here to say one thing. I have a female neighbor on the 2nd floor (we're on the 3rd) who has been hitting on roomie for months now. Finally she comes up last week and is touching herself scandalously and so blatantly hitting on him. Disgusted with this unsolicited attempt at flirtation, he blurts out: "I'm gay, okay. I like guys." The female neighbor then slumps against the door, puts the phone to her mouth and replies: "oh, you're gay. That's a shame. Is there a cute girl that lives here?" Roomie: "yeah, she just moved in." Neighbor: "cause I'm bi, you know." Roomie: "I'll make sure to let her know."

Sorry for the detour, but that's some funny shit, ya'll! Anyways, we're chatting up a storm like we always do, and he says to me: "I'm going to NYC next month for the gay pride parade. You wanna come with me?" Me (jumping up and down): "Um, yeah! The gay pride parade. In NYC!?! That's a dream come true!!" Roomie: "you're such a hag!" Then I signed up to be a volunteer.

Seriously. Does life get any better than this!?!

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