Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Okay, so I realize this post is coming a day late. I apologize to those mothers out there. I started writing it last night so it would actually be relevant, but then I helped my roomie get ready for his big interview today for a floral designer position (he rocked, by the way!!!!) and we were working until after midnight. At that time I didn't have any more energy to write anything. Please forgive me. You were all in my thoughts.

I have to say that I have some wonderful mothers in my life. I have my own mother, of course, who has been the most constant and wonderful source of support I have ever known. There have been times - recently - where I have questioned that relationship in ways I never thought possible. I have said things that were extremely ugly and hateful, and was forgiven. No matter where I move, what decisions I make, or what I say, she seems to love me unconditionally. There's never going to be a love in my life that rivals that kind of love, and for that, I am extremely grateful.

I have several friends who are mothers, all of whom inspire me each and every day. It's an amazing thing to see someone become a mother. To watch them grow and develop a love for another human being that ascends all else. I see them struggle with everyday life struggles, just like the rest of us. After all, they're only human. But they put their children above all else. They love unselfishly and unconditionally. I watch their children grow and feel so blessed to even be a part of their world. They make me realize that the decisions I make today in my life ultimately affect the person I will be tomorrow - and the mother I will be. I am grateful for the chances and opportunities I have to grow and learn so that (hopefully) one day I will be able to share them with my own children.

To all of you (and you know who you are), thank you for being such an incredible inspiration to me. Your endless love and sacrifices for your children amaze me, and help me see that you don't need to look very far to find happiness and peace.


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