Monday, October 6, 2008

You seriously won't believe this...

Welcome, everyone, to the exciting chronicles of KP. Please, drop everything you're doing, forget everything bad that happened today, and come with me for just a minute. I promise you won't regret it.

So, we just went to the New Kids on the Block concert. And it was amazing. We wake up the next morning high on the drug that is our youth reincarnated. We threw on some clothes and walked up to Broadway for another round of good 'ole DD. Gotta love some french vanilla goodness on a Saturday morning! After breakfast we decided to spend some time with "J" and his amazing, beautiful, intelligent daughter who has me wrapped around her little finger. As any 4-year old would want to do, we put on a Hannah Montana concert. We jumped and sang into hair brushes and cooking spray bottles. We had a blast. Sadly, though, as much as "KB" and I tried to convince "Little J" that we should try singing to New Kids, she wasn't budging. It was Hannah. Over and over and over....

We decided we were going to hang out in Cambridge. Despite the never-ending rain that began the minute her plane touched down (and didn't stop until her plane took off on Sunday). We had a wonderful afternoon - a fabulous lunch at Z Square, the BEST hot chocolate on the eastern seaboard at Burdick, and a walk across Harvard's campus (and for those few minutes we were on site, they reported a significant drop in the overall IQ...).

Soaking wet and exhausted, we went home to get ready to go out with my old roomie. That's right. We were going to the gay bar! We spent lots of time making sure we were ready for this particular excursion. We definitely needed to make a good showing! We had a blast. We danced for what felt like 30 minutes, but turned out to be 2 1/2 hours. We danced on the stage. On the platform. There was no stopping us. We were hot!

The night ended, we said our goodbyes, and collapsed into bed. We were so exhausted. We said goodnight like a sexless lesbian couple would, and went to sleep. Until 4:30 am when my phone went off.

A text message from a number I didn't recognize said: "Hey stranger". Curious as to who is texting me from Rhode Island in the middle of the night, I, of course, ask the obvious question: "who is this?" Answer? "Drummer".

Now, most people who read this blog are familiar with said person. Some are not, however. A brief summary: I met drummer through my relationship(s) in Providence. A friend of a friend. We spent some time together - about a week - before I moved to Boston. Before I left to drive back to Michigan, "drummer" said some things that made me believe I would see him again. After about a week back home, all calls and text messages just stop. Completely. No explanation. No freak out. Nothing. Just totally MIA. That was almost 6 months ago.

So, you can understand my surprise, then, when at 4:30 in the morning, I receive a text message from him. After several attempts to try to get an explanation out of him, I receive the best text message ever. "Well, why don't we put the past behind us and send each other some dirty pictures." I. ALMOST. DIED. Um, I'm sorry, it's late/early, my eyes must not be working correctly. No one could really expect that I would just agree to this. My response: "There are several reasons why the answer is no. Not the least of which being I am not alone in my bed." He doesn't stop there. So sad. So pathetic. I end up giving it to him straight: "look...I have much more self respect than to do that. If I did send you pictures, it would imply that I have been waiting around for you to call me. And I haven't. Plus, and most important, I have found someone that will do all those things for me. I don't need pictures of you for anything." His response: "I guess it was silly to think you would send me pictures." SILLY!?! Yeah, I don't know that 'silly' would be the first word that came to my mind, but if that's all you can come up with...sure. We'll go with silly.

None of this is made up. It all really happened, and I have the text messages to prove it. I love how things have come full circle. I love that he came to me, and I shot him down. I love that I have found a wonderful boy in "J", who understands we all have pasts, and forgives me for all of my 'mistakes'. Most of all, I love that I now have this story to add to my arsenal. It's the one I'll whip out when a girlfriend calls me and says: "You won't believe what just happened to me..." Because, after this, I'll believe anything.

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