Thursday, October 20, 2011

April 27, 2011: Our birth story

I thought about calling this post "my birth story," but soon realized it does not belong to just me. So, it is ours.

On Wednesday, April 27, 2011, I was 10 days past my due date. I weighed 128 pounds and was all belly. I had been in and out of doctors' offices and ultrasound appointments to make sure the baby inside was still healthy, despite the extended gestational period. My mom, dad and mother-in-law were in town, anxiously awaiting the birth of their grandchild (at that time, sex still unknown). My father-in-law had to leave on the 24th after 9 days of watching, waiting and consuming numerous bottles of wine (not alone - he had plenty of help).

We had discussed induction, and decided it was time. On Tuesday, J and I went to the hospital for the "ripening." I immediately started contracting. As my midwife was about to discharge me with instructions to return once full labor began, the baby's heartbeat plummeted. This, of course was normal, but they had to keep me on the monitor to ensure our Munchkin remained safe. We walked around the hospital, got lunch all while experiencing minor labor pains. Finally, we were discharged, with my midwife confident we would return in the middle of the night in full-on labor.

We called our parents, let them know the update, and asked that we have an easy, early dinner, watch a movie followed by their departure to their hotel so I could get the rest I would need to get through labor. Throughout the evening, I progressed normally and naturally. The contractions continued to get stronger, and remained a few minutes apart. J and I fell asleep on the couch together. He awoke at 2:30 a.m. to check on me. The contractions had stopped. Just like that. We called the hospital, only to find out that is normal, and we would have to come in for the induction after all in the morning.

We arrive the next morning a bit later than originally planned due to the excessive amount of babies that were being born that day. I pace back and forth, trying to bring back the contractions. Nothing. They finally check me, and tell me I can't stay, because they don't have a room for me. We leave. Again. We walk through the door to find soon-to-be-grandparents looking as tired of the waiting as we are. I announce that I want to wash and straighten my hair and then grab something to eat, throw a left-over chocolate Easter egg in my mouth and head upstairs.

As soon as I enter the bathroom, it hits me. A never-before-in-your-life, what-the-hell-is-this kind of feeling. It lasts for about a minute. I get on my knees, turn on the tub, and start washing my hair. These "feelings" come every 4 minutes, making me stop everything to focus and breathe. Finally, J and my mom come upstairs to time them, and help with my hair. The midwife calls, and tells us to come back at 6:00. I let her know I don't think I can make it that long. She says to call her back in an hour. Every 4 minutes, for 1 minute I am bent over the back of a dining chair. It's the only thing that would provide comfort. I couldn't talk. I couldn't walk. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I was in the zone. In the meantime, my mom and J are exchanging looks and comments (as well as some expletives) about when I should be taken to the hospital. Mom thinks NOW. J thinks: "let's wait it out a bit." Mom wins.

It's 4:30, and we are hitting rush hour traffic on the way to the hospital. I am holding a pillow and keeping my eyes closed. I start feeling pressure. J tells me we're close. We walk in - the staff greets us because they know us so well now - and are seated in the waiting area. I am convinced they don't know just how in labor I am. We are taken to a room to be checked. I feel a contraction coming and some serious pressure. I tell J and the midwife, and the next second, my water bursts all over the bed (like a scene out of a movie). (Looking back, I am so grateful I was not at the mall or a restaurant.) It's 5:20. I give my midwife and J a serious but friendly look when I say: "I know I planned a natural birth, but I would like the epidural, and I would prefer we don't discuss it, please. And, I'm sorry." I am told I make the decisions, and know what is right for me. Then they put me in a wheelchair and take me to my delivery room.

The doctor with the epidural couldn't arrive fast enough. She asks me if I knew my spine was curved, and all I think is: "does that mean I won't be able to get the drugs???" She finds the spot, pokes me, and tells me in 10 minutes I will be feeling better. And, just like that, I was. For about 10 minutes. The contractions are still coming a few minutes apart and lasting about a minute. My sweet nurse tells me that I shouldn't be feeling them the way I am, and the only time the epidural won't help is when the baby is ready to come. She says: "But, since you're going to be at this for probably 12 more hours, we need you to be comfortable." "Right," I think. "I will die before then. I will never make it." She hits the "more" button, calls the doctor back, and asks the midwife to check me quickly. After a brief exam, my midwife looks up and says: "you're dilated to 10. Would you like to try pushing?" Just then the doctor walks back in, and we send him out of the room. No more epidural needed...this baby's on the way out! It's 8:00 p.m.

The next 48 minutes are amazing. On the first push we can see the head. It feels like I was born to do this. Every push is progress. We have to sit a few contractions out because the baby's heart rate kept dropping. A few massages from the midwife, and it went right back to normal.

The midwife turns to J and asks if he's ready to catch. He doesn't even have time to suit up. At 8:48, the baby arrives, and J catches him under his arms. He picks the baby up at just the right angle for us both to see that it's a boy. J sweetly places him on my chest to meet me. He has a healthy set of lungs, and beautiful eyes that stare at me. It's like we've known each other forever, but are finally meeting face-to-face.

After a few minutes of bonding and smiling, I ask the question I had been waiting to ask for the past 3 1/2 hours. "Can I have something to eat....please????"


Anonymous said...

Yeah! You're back! LOVED your fist installment. I felt like I was right there with you, brilliant writing. Congrats again on your little baby boy. :) -ELF

Jenna said...

Oh my goodness!!! What a crazy crazy story!!! Thank you so much for posting!!!!

BekahHowl said...

I love this story it is so Amazing :D Congrats